gender = input("Are you a man or a woman? ") drink_volume = float(input('Please approximate the volume of consumed drink (oz): ')) # dl alcohol_concentration = float(input('Please approximate alcohol percentage (e.x. - one 12 o.z. beer = 5%, one 5 o.z. wine = 12%): ')) body_weight = float(input('Approximate body weight (lbs): ')) hr_drinking = float(input("How long have you been drinking? (hrs)")) bac = round(((drink_volume * alcohol_concentration) * 0.075)/(body_weight) - (hr_drinking * 0.015), 3) #bac = drink_volume * alcohol_concentration * alcohol_density / body_weight / widmark_factor[gender] # g print(bac) if bac <= 0.01: print("Blood alcohol level low, driving is safe") if 0.02 <= bac <= 0.07: print("Blood alcohol level moderate, driving not advised due to impaired motor skills") if bac >= 0.08: print("Blood alcohol level high, legally intoxicated and unfit for driving")